If you are unemployed you may contact the Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) through which you may be insured as unemployed, receive an unemployment benefit for a certain period of time, participate in subsidized vocational training programs and get useful advice on finding a job (employment counselling services).
The operation of OAED is based on the following pillars:
OAED also provides Employment Counselling Services, in which the interested parties may get advice on accessing the labour market (see the chapter “Employment Counselling Services” below).
The Organization has implemented the institution of Apprenticeship in 51 Vocational Education Schools (Apprenticeship Schools – EPAS) for the vocational training of the unemployed students, in which they are trained in various specialties and are employed as trainees for a limited period of time in related enterprises by receiving a subsidy amount and insurance coverage by OAED.
The employment promotion policies include the reduction of labour costs for enterprises, by subsidizing salaries and social security contributions of employees, in the event the enterprises hire someone registered at OAED that belongs to the population groups most severely affected by unemployment as well as vulnerable population groups..
You may find more information about the Manpower Employment Organization on the official website www.oaed.gr.
You may find information about the Employment Counselling programs in all branches of the Organization (the cooperation with an employment counsellor is necessary), as well as in:
In order to register at OAED and receive the Unemployment Card you need to submit the following supporting documents to the Organization’s office of you region.
The unemployment card must be renewed every three months. You can renew it at any branch of OAED by presenting your passport and residence or work permit. For your convenience and avoidance of overcrowding in the Organization’s office, it is recommended to use of the online unemployment card renewal service.
In order to use for the first time the online services of OAED, you should previously proceed with an online Registration in the System. You may get the necessary information from the local branch and follow the Instructions on the web address http://eservices.oaed.gr:7777/pls/apex/f?p=110
Yes,if you are insured with IKA and practice one of the following professions. Beneficiaries of the special seasonal allowance are the individuals who work in Greece, are insured with ΙΚΑ – ΕΤΑΜ and practice one of the following professions:
For the payment of the special seasonal allowance, the following documents are searched for by the department where you submit your application:
Yes! The employment counselling programs were launched in Greece in recent years and help people looking for a job meet the increased labour market requirements. They provide individualized support and information on the most effective techniques for finding a job, assistance in writing your resume and cover letter, professional help in your job search and preparation for the interview.
Employment counselling services are offered by OAED (see above), the Labour Institute of the General Confederation of Greek Workers (INE GSEE) 14, by many IEK, KEK and KEE (see also the chapter on education) and some NGOs.
You may find useful addresses and contact details of bodies apart from OAED offering employment counselling services in the following indicative list: