Yes! If you are third country nationals residing in the country with the necessary documentation, you can move freely and settle wherever you wish in Greece.
Yes! If you are third country nationals residing in the country with the necessary documentation, you can be insured in the relevant (according to your professional status) insurance organizations. You have the same insurance rights as Greek citizens.
No! If you are third country nationals residing in the country with the necessary documentation, you have the right to free hospital, medical and pharmaceutical care in the public structures of the National Health System (ESY), as Greek citizens. You will find more information on the chapter on health.
Yes! If you enter an institution you have the right to be informed on its rules, as well as your rights and obligations. Your communication should be facilitated by diplomatic or consular officials of the state, of which you are citizen or you originated from, as well as your attorneys.
If you live in Greece you are included in compulsory schooling, as the holders of Greek nationality. Children under 18 years old, who attend all levels of education, have unrestricted access to the activities of the school or educational community. The right to education of foreign children who are under 18 years old is not negotiable. (Guaranteed by the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (Article 28) and the Greek legislation in the Greek Constitution (Articles 16 & 21) and in various circulars as 73025/C2/2010, more information in the chapter on education).
To enroll children under the age of 18 in Greek schools, at all levels, the corresponding documentation provided for Greek citizenship holders are required.
Exception! Children (third country nationals) can be enrolled in public schools with insufficient documentation if: a) They are protected by the Greek State as beneficiaries of international protection and those who are under the protection of the High Commission of the United Nations, b) They come from regions where the situation is unsettled, c) They have applied for international protection, d) They are third-country nationals residing in Greece, even if their legal residence has not been regulated yet. (More information in the chapter on education).
Yes!If you have graduated from secondary education in Greece and you are a third country national, you have access to higher education under the same terms and conditions as the holders of Greek nationality. (Subject to specific provisions contained in the existing legislation)
During your stay in Greece, you must declare to the competent authorities of the Decentralized Administrations of the country or to the Directorate of Migration Policy of the Ministry of Interior:
Unfortunately if you have a residence permit you must leave without further notice before the last day of the expiry of your permit. Unless if before the expiration you have applied for its renewal and you have been granted the certification in paragraph 7 of Article 8 and paragraph 5 of Article 9 of the Migration Code L.4251/2014.
NOTE: You can find a list of the organizations offering legal aid in the last chapter.