The insurance funds in Greece9, relating to the most common professions practiced by third-country nationals, are:
ΙΚΑ / ΕΤΑΜ | |
ΟΑΕΕ (former TEBE) | |
OGA | |
If you wish to register at Ι.Κ.Α. – Ε.Τ.Α.Μ. (register with the IKA Registry of Insured Members) you need the following:
Since you are insured at IKA you may issue a Health Booklet. The personal health booklet is the insurance identity for benefits in kind and cash for the directly insured person. The family health booklet is issued for the members of his/her family.
The following individuals are entitled to a personal health booklet:
The number of days that are required may change and therefore you should get informed by the IKA offices or online. (see below, “Am I insured?”) The same prerequisites apply for the extension of the personal health booklet. Supporting documents:
It is granted to the family members of the insured person or the old-age or disability pensioner (spouse, mother, father, unmarried children). Children cease to be considered as dependent family members over the age of 18. This age limit may be extended if the children are unemployed or students or for two years of unemployment after having completed their studies and are financially dependent on the insured person.
In any case, children may be covered by their parents’ insurance until the age of 26. Supporting documents:
The supporting documents that are required for the registration at the Social Insurance Organization of Freelance Professionals (OAEE) vary depending on the profession. You may find them in detail on the website
General instructions for the supporting documents:
Please be advised that:
For those entitled to insurance coverage from OAEE and health booklet the same as in the Personal and Family Health Booklet of IKA shall apply. Supporting documents:
The supporting documents that are required for the registration at OGA as a self-employed (you are insured on your own responsibility with the Main Insurance Branch of OGA and you have to pay yourselves your insurance contributions 11) are the following:
In Greece each employee has certain minimum rights as throughout the European Union:
Individual EU countries must make sure that their national laws protect these rights laid down by EU employment laws. The Greek state has been convicted several times for violating or failing to protect labour rights.
The social security system in Greece is one of the mechanisms of income redistribution and institutionalized social solidarity among the employees, the unemployed, the elderly and those in need of social protection. The basic functions of the insurance organizations are:
The social security funds are financed by the state budget and the contributions made by the employers and employees. The contributions are mandatory, even if the employee is covered by another insurance organization (foreign or private insurance organization).
In order to find out whether you are insured (to check your insurance capacity) you may use the insurance capacity online platform (see below). You may also visit the branch of the insurance organization at which you are registered, but they suggest the use of electronic services in order to avoid overcrowding at the branches and any discrimination against you by the employee.
The “ATLAS” system collects the information of the insured persons (the insurance CV) from all the insurance organizations and it can be accessed on the website As far as OGA is concerned, you may receive more accurate information by visiting the branch of the region where you are registered. With regard to IKA and OAEE you may also refer to the special electronic information platforms of each organization on the following web addresses:
*Please note that: In order to make use of the online services you need first to have activated your personal account on taxisnet with username and password, which you enter in the appropriate fields.
In the context of recent changes in the functioning of the country's social security system, each insurance fund is still responsible for the pensions of the insured people, but the health care services of most funds were merged into The National Organization for Healthcare Provision (EOPYY).
EOPYY cooperates with the network of health centers throughout the country and a network of contracted private doctors in primary health care services (see also chapter “Health”). With regard to issues of secondary health care (hospitals), the insured individuals have to display their health booklet at the time of admission into the hospital, which is issued and updated by each insurance organization for them and their family.
It depends! Each insurance fund has its own conditions. The pensions are provided due to old age, death of a spouse or disability. Those who have completed a certain number of working days (insurance stamps/ergosima) and have reached a certain age are entitled to receive the old-age pension. The age limits differ for men and women and the insurance days vary depending on the occupation.
Special categories of occupations are those classified as heavy and health-hazardous occupations (such as construction workers, employees in shipyards etc.), in which the employees may retire earlier. The relevant list with these occupations is reviewed regularly and it is advisable for you to contact your insurance fund to find out more about them.
The Body that accepts complaints about the violation of labour rights is the Labour Inspection Corps (SEPE) under the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare. Its Central Office is located in Athens (10 Agisilaou St., P.C. 10437, Tel. 2105289281), but you may find branches in all regions of the country. You may find a complete list with the addresses and contacts details of SEPE on the link12.
The Bodies that provide legal advisory services on labour issues are:
No, unless you have previously contacted the competent branch by filing your complaint, (“Declaration of Disagreement over the Insurance Data – Complaint»). The Greek Ombudsman, who is responsible to control all the insurance funds, may intervene in the event that the IKA delays to investigate your complaint or has adopted a decision which you consider to be illegal.